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Syrian JIHADIST fighters are operating in Nagorno-Karabakh, Macron says, citing ‘credible information’

1-10-2020 < RT 14 187 words

Militants from extremist groups previously active in Syria have arrived in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh amid a military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, French President Emmanuel Macron has said.

“Now, we have credible information, which indicates that Syrian fighters from some jihadist groups have reached the Nagorno-Karabakh battlefield through Gaziantep,” Macron told journalists as he arrived at an EU summit in Brussels, mentioning a southern Turkish city the militants supposedly passed through on their way to the disputed region.

The French leader stopped short of accusing Ankara of being involved in the alleged deployment but said that “this is a very serious new fact that changes the situation” on the ground.

Also on Russia ‘deeply concerned’ about reports of mercenaries from Syria & Libya being sent to fight in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh

