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Facebook, Google spent $700 million to "buy off the press"

27-10-2020 < Natural News 43 657 words
Image: Facebook, Google spent $700 million to “buy off the press”

(Natural News) The reason why the mainstream media almost never talks about the Orwellian activities of tech platforms like Facebook and Google is that these Silicon Valley giants are now funding the “news” to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars since 2018.

A Washington Monthly report found that since 2018, Facebook and Google alone have contributed at least $700 million to “journalism,” meaning Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai are steering the news to say what they want it to say – or not say.

Even by the year 2018, Facebook and Google “were already among the largest funders of journalism in the world,” having contributed not only $700 million but also “other ‘undisclosed’ funds and in-kind contributions” to various donors, the identifies of many of which remain unknown.

Most of this cash is funneled through the companies’ respective “marketing and public relations budgets rather than through charitable foundations,” which means that it is much harder to track.

Consequently, the flow of money out of these two powerful entities is “as much of a black box as any search or newsfeed algorithms,” Washington Monthly reports, as relayed by NewsBusters.

“Even the flows to nonprofit media entities do not necessarily become public record, because since 2018 the Internal Revenue Service has no longer required nonprofits to disclose their donors,” the report further adds.

“Investigative journalists who want to follow the money need to rely on intensive gumshoe reporting of the kind few publications can afford anymore, thanks in large measure to the predations of Google and Facebook.”

Big Tech censorship is also a product of all this media bribery, which you can learn more about by visiting

Google News Initiative, Facebook Journalism Project both synthetic news endeavors that push propaganda

What we do know is that Google spent gobs of cash launching its Google News Initiative, or GNI, back in 2018, which “curates” news stories based on what the Google censors deem appropriate for public consumption.

Two years later, this translated as Google censoring alt media websites from its search platform for supposedly spreading “misinformation.”

In 2018 when it was launched, GNI promised to spend $300 million “in support for journalism to be distributed across the globe over three years, although the emphasis appeared to be on local news in the United States,” reports reveal.

Likewise, Facebook launched its own Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) that also promised $300 million for “journalism.” In 2019, FJP gave 46 grants of between $5,000 and $25,000 “to small, local news organizations … that were administered by the Lenfest Institute for Journalism.”

While none of these individual grants were specified, a $36 million grant was, indicating that it went to the Pulitzer Center ($5 million), the American Journalism Project ($1 million), and Report for America ($2 million), “among others,” the Washington Monthly reported.

Another way that Facebook is controlling the news is through its new “fact checking” feature, which censors any news that the deep state does not like under the guise that its claims are dubious and unsubstantiated. Google, it turns out, is doing the very same thing.

Compared to Google, Facebook is slightly more transparent about where its grants are going, though both companies are clearly up to no good. At least we can say for sure that both entities, and likely many others in Silicon Valley, have a vested interest in keeping truthful news away from your eyes whenever possible.

“When we need critical reporting about Big Tech more than ever, we should all be concerned that Facebook and Google are funding the news,” is how the Washington Monthly concluded its in-depth analysis of the situation, which you can read for yourself at this link.

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