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Hunter Biden Group Touted Joe Biden In Investment Pitch To Chinese Firm

27-10-2020 < SGT Report 38 1019 words

by Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller:

  • Joe Biden’s relationship with Colombia’s president is highlighted in an investment proposal that Hunter Biden and a group of business partners made in an investment pitch to a Chinese energy company in 2017. 

  • Hunter Biden and his partners sought a $10 million seed investment from CEFC China Energy, a company whose chairman had close ties to the People’s Liberation Army. 

  • The Biden consortium’s 42-page investment outline from May 15, 2017 features Joe Biden shaking hands with Colombia’s president, and proposes investments in a Colombian oil field and a pipeline from Venezuela. 

In 2017, Hunter Biden and a group of business partners seeking a $10 million investment deal with a Chinese energy firm touted Joe Biden’s friendly relations with Colombia’s president in their sales proposal, which suggested a series of oil investments in the South American country, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Hunter Biden and four other businessmen, including his uncle James Biden, highlighted the former vice president’s positive relationship with Juan Manuel Santos in a May 15, 2017 investment outline for CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate.

The Biden consortium, which would be called SinoHawk, sought a $10 million seed investment from CEFC China Energy, with a goal of eventually securing billions of dollars in investments in the U.S. and around the world.

The report is part of a trove of records held by Tony Bobulinski, a California-based businessman who was part of the consortium with Hunter Biden, James Biden, and two other partners.

Bobulinski has provided the documents to a Senate committee investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings. He said at a press conference last week that the records show that the Bidens “aggressively leveraged” their family name to secure foreign business deals.

Bobulinski also said that he met with Joe and Hunter Biden in early May 2017 to discuss the Chinese deal. Joe Biden has long denied discussing business with his son.

The Bidens’ involvement in the partnership was a key selling point to CEFC China, according to other documents obtained by the DCNF. But the 42-page investment outline is the only document from Bobulinski’s records that explicitly touts Joe Biden contacts with foreign leaders.

The investment outline, which is marked “Sensitive and Confidential,” mapped out prospective investment opportunities for CEFC China Energy in Oman, Romania, Luxembourg and Colombia. (RELATED: Hunter Biden Sought To Avoid Registering As Foreign Agent In Chinese Business Venture, Text Messages Show)

A section of the sales proposal entitled “Colombia — Gateway to Latin America,” features a photo from Dec. 1, 2016, of then-Vice President Joe Biden shaking hands with Santos, who served as president of Colombia through 2018.

“The relationship between Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos and Joe Biden has been a strong one throughout the Obama administration,” reads the document.

The investment prospectus highlights Biden’s positive remarks about U.S.-Colombia relations and economic reforms in Colombia that he said made the Latin American country an attractive investment option.

“With this in mind, EEIG has built he [sic] framework for partnership between CEFC China and local partners in Colombia, with a solid basis starting at the very foundation of the country’s administration,” the document says.

EEIG is a company operated by one of SinoHawk’s partners, James Gilliar.

“Mr. Biden pledged his strong personal support of the peace process and offered congratulations to Mr. Santos while underscoring ‘the importance of maintaining bipartisan support for Colombia in the United States Congress,’” the investment outline says.

Several “target opportunities” for the SinoHawk-CEFC partnership are identified in the document.

A Colombian oil field owned by a company called Rattan Holding is proposed as a potential investment. The SinoHawk team also flagged an investment in the Buenaventura port on the Pacific Ocean, asserting that the port could be “very attractive” to CEFC because it would allow the company to avoid having to ship goods through the Panama canal.

The outline also suggests an investment in a pipeline that would ship oil from Venezuela, which has since come under U.S. sanctions.

“We have a great project to bring an oil pipe from Venezuela to this port to fill huge tankers that can’t go through Panama Canal,” the sales pitch reads.

CEFC China Energy ended up not partnering with SinoHawk. Bobulinski’s records show that the prospective deal fell apart by August 2017 after CEFC failed to wire a $10 million startup investment that it had pledged to make in May 2017.

The Chinese firm did however strike a deal with Hunter and James Biden.

Senate report regarding Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings released on Sept. 23 said that CEFC affiliates wired $5 million to Hunter Biden’s law firm over the course of a year beginning in August 2017.

The report said that some of the wire transfers were flagged by banks for potential criminal financial activity.

The Senate report also said that Biden’s partnership with CEFC posed an extortion and counterintelligence risk because the firm’s chairman, Ye Jianming, has ties to the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party.

Bobulinski said last week that he was unaware of the Bidens’ side deal with CEFC China Energy. He sent James Biden a text message on Sept. 24 accusing him and his nephew, Hunter, of lying about the partnership with CEFC.

Message from Tony Bobulinski to James Biden, Sept. 24, 2020.

Bobulinski has provided his records to the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC), which wrote last month’s report with the Senate Finance Committee.

Bobulinski also met with the FBI on Friday, according to Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of HSGAC.

Bobulinski disputed Joe Biden’s longstanding denial that he has ever discussed business with his son.

“I have heard Joe Biden say he’s never discussed business with Hunter. That is false,” Bobulinski said at a press conference on Thursday. “I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden.”

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