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Don’t Jump Off That Ledge. This Is Just a Blue Smokescreen

9-11-2020 < SGT Report 14 670 words

by Sarah Hoyt, PJ Media:

So, yesterday, at my monthly dinner with my fans and commenters on my blog, I found out that I’m not alone.

What am I not alone in?

In having slept like cr*p since Tuesday and eaten even worse. I’ve been living on popcorn and coffee, which, to be fair, is what I lived on in college. I’m sleeping about three hours a night and dreaming of catastrophic headlines, until waking up more tired than I went to bed.


I’ve been alternating between angry and depressed, and frankly, from what I saw of my fans and commenters, I’m not alone.

And then today I went to Facebook, and lately, they’ve been doing this thing of pushing all sorts of outright propaganda at me. This one was an article about the great future of reconciliation (and truth tribunals) once Joe Biden takes over. And there at the end, almost invisible, was one line: based on projected results.

Oh, projected results, is it? According to whom and why? The mass media? The same people who’ve been projecting a blue wave for half a year now? The same people who pushed their projection that two million people would die of COVID-19? THOSE projections?

I realized what I was looking at, and suddenly I’m not depressed anymore.

I’m still angry, though. I’m angry at the left for their staggering chutzpah and their treasonous attempt to stab at the heart of the republic, and I’m a little angry at all you zombies (Heinlein reference) out there who bought and are buying into it, and yes, that includes me till about two hours ago.

So, why did that make everything click for me?

Well, guys, think about it. The stuff going on with the voting is inky as all get-out. We all saw it happen in real-time.

And it’s not just the rumors, oh no. My friend, Larry Correia, who used to be a forensic accountant and is now a bestselling writer, wrote a post about all the anomalies with the vote count.

There are a lot of other posts about this, ranging from the wishy-washy “mistakes were obviously made” to the reasonable “look, guys, we know that precincts don’t vote in those proportions, ever” to the out-there fringe “secret watermarks on real ballots.” But Larry brings it all together and ties it with a bow, and it’s done with the kind of analytical mind that dissects why the whole thing smells to high heavens. Some of the things he linked have been changed; in the comments, you’ll find the waybackmachine links to those. Because, yeah, they’re changing the record, since, for the left, 1984 is a how-to manual.

This doesn’t even include the people dual-registered and voting in both California and Arizona brought up in this article. Oh, and apparently the software update issue was in other places, too.

That second article is what finished making me sure we were witnessing a leftist psyops.

You know how they kept talking about the red mirage? Well, this is the blue smokescreen.

It’s not really very convincing, and you can kind of squint through it and see the antifa goons looking all sad-faced, and how the low-info lefties are going to be disappointed like the kiddies who got a healthy snack for Halloween. Honestly, guys, if you look at this the right way, you’ll still be hopping mad, but you have to have a heart of steel not to laugh like a hyena.

Things are bad for the Dems. Really bad.

You see, they thought that they had frauded (totally a word) enough in advance, and the polls assured them they were doing fine. Then, come Election Day, that darn Trump pulled off a landslide election, and they had to stoop to counting and do their best to manufacture more votes ASAP.

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