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Poll Challenger Claims Detroit Poll Workers Tasked with Duplicating Ballots Were Functionally Illiterate

9-11-2020 < SGT Report 20 506 words

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

What an embarrassment.

Big League Politics has been reporting about electoral abnormalities since before the vote even took place, shining light on the #DetroitLeaks, which showed poll worker trainers giving tips on how to disenfranchise challengers and commit dubious acts during the processing of absentee ballots.


The revelations in the #DetroitLeaks proved themselves to be frighteningly relevant throughout the electoral process in Michigan, which saw many bizarre irregularities occur throughout the night. Many of these instances were documented with whistleblowers going on the record for our publication. Several of those whistleblowers have since signed affidavits and submitted to their deposition to President Trump’s legal team.

The most stunning revelation came from a grandmother who made a horrifying discovery while poll challenging at the TCF Center in Detroit. She observed that two people hired by the city of Detroit to scrutinize ballots were not able to read.

“They were transferring information from a spoiled or mismarked ballot to a new ballot, and the two individuals changing the ballot could not read,” she explained.

The poll challenger used to tutor remedial reading to third, fourth and fifth graders and frequently dealt with children who could not read, and she said it was clear that these poll workers were illiterate.

“A supervisor had to coach them through the process, not because they didn’t know the process but because they couldn’t read,” the whistleblower said.

Big League Politics has suffered the wrath of Big Tech for reporting about electoral abnormalities that the establishment desperately wants to cover up. This reprisal has included direct censorship by Twitter:

Twitter is censoring the raw audio of Detroit poll workers being trained by state election officials to lie to voters, destroy ballots, disenfranchise poll challengers, and perform other tasks that put next week’s vote in jeopardy in the key battleground state of Michigan.

Big League Politics received the following notice on Sunday from Twitter, along with a suspension from posting on the platform for several hours:

For the past week, Big League Politics has been posting audio from poll worker trainings in the city of Detroit. They have made national news, spreading virally to tens of thousands of people across social media. Twitter is stepping into action to stop these revelations from being widely understood so action can be taken in the next week to prevent electoral fraud.

Additionally, Facebook has blocked an article published by Big League Politics from being distributed on their monopoly platform. The article, with several first-hand sources, that incurred the capricious censorship is titled, “Cops Keep Pro-Trump Poll Challengers Out of Detroit Absentee Processing Center as Thousands of Ballots are Processed.”

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