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If White Privileges Were Real

25-1-2021 < Counter Currents 159 440 words

413 words

If White Privileges were real

In our hearts and in our homes

Our good-byes would be hellos

And whispers would be bellows

As thoughts distort and form against

the glare of august fellows

Who contemplate ethnology

And sociobiology

From dog-eared, ink-smeared pages

Of unforbidden tomes.

This would all defy surreal

If White Privileges were real.

If White Privileges were real

In our counties and our towns

Narcotic spates of death

From oxy-c and meth

Would feed our smartly bobbing heads

The perfect shibboleth

For fretting the calamity

Which ruptured all our amity

Unmooring us from nations like

A fisherman who drowns.

This is what we would reveal

If White Privileges were real.

If White Privileges were real

With our oligarchs and lords

On Main and Elm and Second

Our children gently reckoned

Would swap and share wax-papered treats

Arriving home unbeckoned

Safe from man’s misrule-ty

And calculated cruelty

With hearts of love protecting them

Like razor-sharpened swords.

Ambivalence we would repeal

If White Privileges were real.

If White Privileges were real

To the zealots hocking news

Their forthright tone un-goading

Would disregard decoding

And issue who’s and where’s and why’s

To counteract foreboding

And cancel the selective grip

Of sneering tribal censorship

Subverting cryptic motives of

Sardonic tales which ooze.

This loaded deck we would un-deal

If White Privileges were real.

If White Privileges were real

From the mountains to the shore

Acquainted faces freely

Would speak almost ideally

Of uniform pursuits but not

In Bantu or Swahili

Against oblique authorities

Which instigate minorities

To permeate their trusting host

Like army ants at war.

Our hearts we would equip with steel

If White Privileges were real.

If White Privileges were real

To our enemies who reign

Borders soon erected

And differences respected

Would ratify an ethnostate

A nation unaffected

With care for its posterity

And lineal prosperity

And guns and ships and planes and tanks

In peace we will restrain.

But to survive we must appeal

For White Privilege to be real.

To survive we must appeal

For White Privilege to be real.

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The post If White Privileges Were Real first appeared on Counter-Currents.