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Selected Articles: Israel Charged with War Crimes and Genocide

17-5-2021 < Global Research 317 1008 words

Israel Charged with War Crimes and Genocide. Complete 2013 Judgment of the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal

By Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, May 16, 2021

The government of Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has committed extensive crimes against humanity. President Trump in his “Deal of the Century” has endorsed this criminal agenda directed against the people of Palestine.

History: Israel’s Move to Destroy the Palestinian Authority Is a Calculated Plan, Long in the Making

By Tanya Reinhart, May 16, 2021

In mainstream political discourse, Israel’s recent atrocities are described as ‘retaliatory acts’ – answering the last wave of terror attacks on Israeli civilians. But in fact, this ‘retaliation’ had been carefully prepared long before.

The Criminalization of War: Gaza

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 16, 2021

Two million Palestinians live  under an Israeli siege. Israel controls the entry of essential goods including food, water, energy and medicine. Israel also controls Gaza’s territorial waters in derogation  of international law.

Covid Vaccine: The Same Pattern Everywhere?

By Mike Whitney, May 16, 2021

Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the threat of Covid but– in the short-term– it appears to make it much worse. Why? And why is Covid now “surging in 4 of 5 the most vaccinated countries”?

Middle East and “Greater Israel”: There Will be War

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 16, 2021

At this point, there is no hope for peace in the Middle East, I know it sounds pessimistic but it’s fair to say that a new war has officially begun.  Israel’s aggressive behavior against the Palestinians, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria and of course, Iran has increased over the years.

Israel Isn’t Entitled to “Self-Defense” Against the People Under Its Occupation

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 16, 2021

As Israel continues to pummel the Palestinian people with bombs and artillery shot into Gaza from troops amassed along its borders in preparation for a ground invasion, the Biden administration has reaffirmed its unwavering support for Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinians.

Video: Early Treatment With Hydroxychloroquine Would Have Significantly Lowered COVID Deaths. Dr. Philippe Brouqui

By Kristina Borjesson and Dr. Philippe Brouqui, May 16, 2021

As the head of Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine at France’s Mediterranean University Hospital and Medical Director of the hospital’s Infection Institute, Dr. Philippe Brouqui is a member of a French team that has successfully treated thousands of covid patients and been attacked for using hydroxychloroquine as part of their early treatment protocol.

How the Rich Hide Their Wealth: Tax Havens and Capital Flight

By Rod Driver, May 16, 2021

The power and wealth of the biggest banks and financial institutions is one of the most under-reported issues in society. They control so much money, and they can move it between countries so easily, that they can destabilise whole countries.

Palestinians in Israel Now Face Far-right Mob Violence Backed by the State

By Jonathan Cook, May 16, 2021

With Jerusalem ablaze and Gaza on the brink of another major Israeli onslaught, it has been easy to overlook the rapidly escalating ethnic violence inside Israel, where one in five of the population is Palestinian. These 1.8 million Palestinians – Israeli citizens in little more than name – have spent the past week venting their frustration and anger at decades of Israeli oppression directed at their own communities inside Israel, as well as at Palestinians under more visible occupation.

Video: Pfizer’s Criminal Record. Largest Medical “Fraudulent Marketing” Case in US History

By US Department of Justice, May 15, 2021

How on earth could you trust a Big Pharma vaccine conglomerate which pleaded guilty to criminal charges by the US Department of Justice including “fraudulent marketing” and “felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act”?

We Must Awaken from “Corona Coma”, Reject “Great Reset” Robotic Technocracy and Assert Our Common Humanity

By Jack Dresser, May 15, 2021

While imagining breakneck progress, we’ve been backing off a cliff.  This is no surprise to those whose historic knowledge is not limited to the stifling propaganda dispensaries called American History class, mainstream news and Hollywood blockbusters that animate the anodyne story lines of comic books.

A Timeline of “The Great Reset” Agenda

By Tim Hinchliffe, May 15, 2021

Say it’s 2014 and you’ve had this idea for a technocratic Great Reset of the world economy for some time now, but it only works if the entire planet is rocked by a pandemic. How do you go about selling your idea?
