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Scottish police hunting arsonist after CCTV footage confirms firebomb attack on Celtic chief Peter Lawwell's home was deliberate

19-5-2021 < RT 12 262 words

Scottish police have confirmed that the fire which destroyed outgoing Celtic CEO Peter Lawwell's home overnight was deliberately started after CCTV footage showed a man pouring a flammable liquid over cars on the property.

Lawwell's home and a number of vehicles received significant damage following the arson attack which occurred overnight while he and members of his family were sleeping inside, including his daughter and infant granddaughter. 

The fire spread to the property's garage and the main house itself, destroying a roof and causing huge damage before firefighters were able to tackle the blaze and bring it under control.

An investigation launched by Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has determined that the fire was started deliberately, with three cars understood to be seen on CCTV footage being set alight by an unidentified man who is described as being around 5ft 10in in height and of a slim build who was wearing dark clothes, a hoody and a facemask at the time of the incident.

Police also say that they are investigating a silver or grey hatchback car which was seen parked in the area at the time of the fire and are attempting to identify its driver.
