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Why The Zombifying Effects Of Vaccines Threaten Our Future And Transform Once Free People Into Obedient Slaves, Following One Another Blindly Like Sheep To Their Doom

20-5-2021 < SGT Report 10 629 words

by Mary Taylor, All News Pipeline:

Tired of seeing people act like obedient slaves? We should have listened to the prophets!

Back in 1999 Christian visionary Kauko Loukas told about a dream that prompted him to study a small creature known as the thread-waisted wasp.

If we had listened, we could have been better prepared to deal with zombifying effects of vaccines that threaten our futures today. The wasp’s sting injects a paralyzing poison into other bugs who then become the alpha insect’s willing bond slaves, so to speak.

“This paralyzing doesn’t mean the bugs that are stung can’t move,” Loukas reported. “They can, but once ‘vaccinated,’ they obediently follow the wasp into its hole where it lays its eggs into the body of the bug.


“So here we can see that even the most low-level insects like the wasp have the same inclinations as human beings who use others for their selfish interests. In my dream, I saw people, like the infected bugs, obediently following their perpetrator one at a time to their doom.”

Loukas’ dream prompted him to do a further study of mind-control drugs that can blunt the mind of someone so he or she isn’t a thinking person anymore, but a kind of zombified automaton who would follow the leader in authority.

“This study made me think that maybe a poison–or even a virus–could be developed that generates a certain kind of will-paralyzing chemical like the poison of the thread- waisted wasps,” Loukas said. “It would make the people obedient slaves of the masters in power.

“Then the government could call for a general mandatory vaccination for the flu or other man-made illness. That would be a usable pretense to inject such a virus.”

Keep in mind the original prophetic dream was more than two decades before the virus pandemic and before the “cure” being foisted on us—guess what–a vaccine! It summons the thought that maybe Loukas wasn’t the only one dreaming and musing about mind-controlling psychiatric injections. Maybe someone in the far East, around a laboratory, say, also had an idea about creating hallucinatory injections.

Are there really psychiatric drugs that can strip someone of rational thinking and rob them of their senses and better judgment? Years ago chemist Dr. Les King discussedin The Guardian the possibility that mind-altering drugs could cause patients to become “zombified,” losing all free will. Unlikely though it seems, Dr. King affirmed that it is possible.

A couple of years before the onslaught of the coronavirus, Stefan Stanford of All NewsPipeline wrote an article about the mind-altering qualities of T.gondii, a tiny organism that lives inside cells of farm animals but can find its way into humans. This parasite can infect the brain and has been blamed for making people more impulsive and more prone to mental illness.

“Human beings quite frequently fall victim to some of the smallest microscopic ‘creatures’ known to mankind,” Stanford pointed out in his article, adding that “sometimes the very smallest forms of life on the planet are pulling the strings.”

Psychiatric drugs like Thorazine and Haldol are known to be able to create a zombie- like state in patients, not unlike that seen after a lobotomy. In fact, Thorazine has been referred to as a “chemical lobotomy.”

A USA Today Magazine article about the dark side of such drugs called them “unpredictable and deadly to a person’s will.” Psychiatrists who were interviewed noted that drugs can sabotage a person’s thought processes to the extent he loses control of his own body.

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