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How To Stop Technocrats From Turning The United States Into China

20-5-2021 < Blacklisted News 28 129 words

In many respects, technology has eroded personal autonomy. This insidious trend has only accelerated due to governments’ response to the global pandemic. The average citizen is left disoriented by rapid changes brought on by automation, mass surveillance, dizzying propaganda, and the proliferation of invasive technologies.

Patrick Wood has been making sense of the technocratic movement for over a decade. His 2015 book “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation” tracks the persistence of an arrogant idea from its inception at Columbia University in the 1930s, through the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s, and beyond. In “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order” (2018), Wood surveys the current implementation of technological central planning: mass surveillance, financial technology, smart cities, tech spirituality, and other manifestations.
