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US scrambles to cover up bioweapons labs in Ukraine

15-3-2022 < Natural News 253 726 words

Image: US scrambles to cover up bioweapons labs in Ukraine

(Natural News)
The United States is now scrambling to cover up the confirmed biological weapons labs in Ukraine, according to Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media.

After admitting that there are indeed biolabs in Ukraine, the U.S. government is now trying to weasel its way around the issue.

“USA admits there are biolabs in Ukraine and now says if a biological attack happens, it’s Russia’s fault. Of course, everything is Russia’s fault,” Sigurdson said.

“And then we have things like these U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine conducting research into bat coronaviruses, and now we have the WHO [World Health Organization] telling Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens in labs to prevent disease spread.”

Sigurdson cited a Zero Hedge article titled “WHO told Ukraine to destroy ‘high-threat pathogens’ in labs to prevent disease.” He noted that the WHO had strongly recommended to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine and other responsible bodies to destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent any potential spills which, according to the World Alternative Media reporter, is already being done by the Ukrainian government. All documents related to the biolabs are also being destroyed.

US, Ukraine deny operation of biolabs

Sigurdson also mentioned the tense back and forth jabs between U.S. and Russian officials over the dangerous biolabs. (Related: FACT CHECK: The Ukrainian bioweapons labs are REAL.)

He noted that Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said documents recovered by Russian forces in Ukraine showed an emergency attempt to erase evidence of military biological programs by destroying lab samples.


The U.S. denied the allegations by issuing a statement on March 10, saying that it does not have a chemical or biological weapons lab in Ukraine while adding that America does not develop or possess chemical and biological weapons anywhere.

Sigurdson said the Department of State technically admitted that the biolabs do exist after U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland acknowledged on March 8 that Ukraine has biological research facilities. Nuland also said the U.S. is concerned that Russia may be seeking to gain control of these biolabs and that America was working with Ukraine on how they can prevent those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.

The World Alternative Media reporter pointed out that admitting the biolabs exist proves that conspiracy theorists were right all along. He added that the U.S. will cover this up once again.

Soviet biolabs held and maintained by the US

Sigurdson also talked about the “Soviet or Russian” biolabs in Ukraine that the U.S. has held since 1991 and should have cleaned up, converted or shut down. He said claims that the U.S. has biolabs in Ukraine is wrong – they are Soviet biolabs that the U.S. now controls.

The U.S., according to Sigurdson, is a genius at scheming but bad at lying. “How can they get away with saying, ‘We don’t have them.’ Actually, we do. But they are not ours, they are the Russians’ from 31 years ago. And then we have them, but we don’t have them. That’s insane, truly insane,” Sigurdson said.

He noted that he is totally against what Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine are doing. He said both sides are absolutely false and wrong.

“So Putin isn’t right. But Ukraine’s wrong as well. There’s obvious evidence of Ukrainian government killing Ukrainians and then blaming it on Russia. And then there’s evidence obviously of Russia bombing Ukrainians and then blaming Ukraine,” Sigurdson said.

Follow to know the latest development in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Watch the video below to know more about the biolabs in Ukraine.

This video is from the World Alternative Media channel on

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