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Web firms to be forced to reveal terror suspects’ computer trails: Paedophiles also targeted as police get new powers

23-11-2014 < No Fake News 83 132 words

‘Detectives investigating suspected terrorists and paedophiles will have the power to force internet companies to hand over details of computer-users under new laws being introduced by Home Secretary Theresa May.

The move is the latest round in a power battle between Mrs May and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg over the so-called ‘snoopers’ charter’, which would greatly increase the power of the police and intelligence services to monitor communications between suspects.

Last night, Mrs May said the move would boost national security, but complained that Mr Clegg was still blocking her from taking further vital steps on the grounds of civil liberties.’

Read more: Web firms to be forced to reveal terror suspects' computer trails: Paedophiles also targeted as police get new powers
