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What CNN Isn’t Saying About Thailand’s ‘Hunger Games’ Protest

24-11-2014 < No Fake News 73 107 words

‘CNN would lament in its article, “More held in military-led Thailand after flashing ‘Hunger Games’ salute,” that:

The central figure in “The Hunger Games,” the hit sci-fi series about an oppressed people’s struggle against a totalitarian regime, is being evoked for real, now, in Thailand among university students expressing their opposition to that southeast Asian nation’s military rulers.

Several students, from Bangkok to about 450 kilometers (280 miles) away to the northeast, have been detained in recent days after flashing the signature anti-establishment, three-fingered salute from”The Hunger Games.”’

Read more: What CNN Isn’t Saying About Thailand’s 'Hunger Games' Protest
