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‘Shooting at Sandy Hook School Report’ Proposes Nationwide Psychiatric Surveillance in America’s Public Schools

24-11-2014 < No Fake News 121 134 words

‘On November 21, 2014 the State of Connecticut’s Office of the Child Advocate issued a 114-page report, Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School: Report of the Office of the Child Advocate (PDF), focusing on the ambiguous profile of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza that may become the basis for mental health practices throughout the United States.

With contributors including psychiatrists and academicians from education and social work departments, the publication comes just two months after the US Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Education announced over $160 million in funding for widescale research and deployment of mental health initiatives in the nation’s public schools.’

Read more: 'Shooting at Sandy Hook School Report' Proposes Nationwide Psychiatric Surveillance in America’s Public Schools
