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Former Twitter Official Makes Admits Mistake in Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story

1-12-2022 < 21st Century Wire 96 541 words

This recent admission by Twitter’s former chief censorship gatekeeper reveals a lot about how craven Big Tech self-appointed speech controllers are in prosecuting their partisan polices, but also how shallow they are in terms of real intellect and intelligence when it comes to navigating the information landscape they are tasked with curating on behalf of the ruling party. 

In this stunning interview clip from a recent mainstream PR damage control seminar, a strikingly unremarkable Yoel Roth claims that the Hunter Biden laptop story which he helped to censor and bury – right before the 2020 US Presidential Election – somehow “looked” and “smelled” like a “hack and leak” campaign.

Of course, it was not a ‘hack and leak’ campaign, and we’re sure that Roth is no expert on such political phenomena. Yet, he played the role of decider during the 2020 election.

Is Roth lying to cover his own central role in this act of election Interference by Twitter’s conclave of political operatives, or is he simple too dumb to understand that America’s fourth-largest newspaper, the New York Post, had already vetted the story and deemed it to be 100% true?

As with most things in the new Orwellian-Digital-Soviet political ecosystem, it’s hard to tell where the lies end and the truth begins…

The Blaze reports…

Yoel Roth, the former manager over Twitter’s department of Trust & Safety, admitted Tuesday the platform should not have censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

After the New York Post published the explosive story just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, Twitter deliberately shut down the story, suspending the Post from publishing content on its account and blocking users from sharing the story.

Twitter claimed the story violated the platform’s policy barring the “distribution of hacked materials.” It turned out that nothing was hacked, and the story was true.

What did Roth say?

Roth, who left Twitter earlier this month after Elon Musk’s acquisition, claimed the story emanated “smoke,” a suggestion that it was “misinformation” meant to sow discord in the election.

Still, Roth made sure to absolve himself from responsibility for ultimately deciding to censor the story.

“We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true, there was smoke — and ultimately for me, it didn’t reach a place where I was comfortable removing this content from Twitter,” he said. “But it set off every single one of my finely tuned APT28 ‘hack and leak campaign’ alarm bells.”

Roth claimed that “everything” about the story “looked” and “smelled” like a “hack and leak” campaign.

When asked directly whether Twitter made a mistake by censoring the Hunter Biden story, Roth conceded, “Yes.” Watch:

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