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Neighborhood Security After TSHTF

14-3-2014 < SGT Report 198 137 words

by Ken Jorgustin, Modern Survival Blog:

Here’s the scenario: The S has hit the fan. Collapse has brought on social chaos. People are desperate, hungry, confused, panicked – because many systems of distribution and infrastructure have broken down, and the government isn’t there to help.

People are just trying to survive, and some are doing things they’ve never thought they would do before – to get what they need…

Regardless of what brought it on, let’s put that behind us and move on.

The question is, how will we deal with our security in a post-collapse world?

Individual security is the first step, and in many instances will be adequate for deterrence or resolution to a given threat. That most important tool for that security will be your firearm(s).

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