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You Are Among the 1% (Only 1% Human, That Is)

14-3-2014 < SGT Report 121 191 words

by Chris Wood,

Is our modern germaphobic lifestyle doing us more harm than good?

Hand sanitizer sales in the US total about $180 million a year. Add to that all the Lysol, bleach, and other cleaners we use to eradicate harmful germs and we’re talking about a hefty sum indeed. Then there’s the copious amount of antibiotics we pop at the first sign of infection. The average child in the US receives approximately one course of antibiotics each year. Of course, these drugs have saved countless lives, but their use—along with but to a lesser extent the use of things like hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps—comes with collateral damage. Only now are we beginning to understand the extent of that damage.

Let’s back up for a moment… way back to the late 17th century. It was then that Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek decided to scrape his teeth and place the sample under one of his handmade microscopes. According to Leeuwenhoek: “I found, to my great surprise, that it contained many small animalcules, the motions of which were very pleasing to behold.”

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