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De-Manufacturing Consent- “Boston Bombing Revisited: Official Narrative Unraveling”

17-3-2014 < Boiling Frogs Post 107 169 words

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Russ Baker

On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Russ Baker, founder, director, and editor of, and author of the book Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty. We discuss the many ways in which the official narrative of the Boston Marathon Bombing has unraveled, and how much of the story presented by the FBI, law enforcement, or mainstream press has been highly questionable from the start.

We focus our attention on the “central and mysterious” character of “Danny,” the alleged carjacking victim, recipient of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s supposed confession, and only known link between the Tsarnaevs and the actual bombing. We also touch on the importance of an independent media willing to ask meaningful questions even when unpopular, and the challenges involved in covering serious issues while confronted with the “it never happened” level of disinformation on the internet.

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