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EXCLUSIVE: Left-Wing Group Pushed a Policy That Could Shape 2024 Election Outcome—Using Your Tax Dollar

4-4-2024 < Attack the System 18 456 words

EXCLUSIVE: Left-Wing Group Pushed a Policy That Could Shape 2024 Election Outcome—Using Your Tax Dollars


By Fred Lucas

Although federal rules didn’t allow tax dollars to be used to pay college students to help get out the vote this fall, one left-wing group pushed for a change and the White House obliged a month later.


Some in California Want to Legalize Racial Discrimination—Yet Again


By GianCarlo Canaparo, Bethany Huang

Politicians and activist groups continue to assail the California Constitution’s equal protection under the law for all, regardless of race. They’re trying again to reinstate racial preferences.


Yikes! Perilous Economy for First-Time Homebuyers


By Virginia Allen, Kristen Eichamer

Buying a home is out of reach today for many Americans, with the median price of a new, single-family home at $416,300. Two recent young homebuyers share advice for would-be homeowners.


‘Targeting, Surveilling, and Manipulating Americans’: Time for Senate to Pass TikTok Bill, Congresswoman Says


By Virginia Allen

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers argues that forcing TikTok to cut ties to the Chinese Communist Party or cease operating in the U.S. is our best chance to end the surveilling of Americans.


Americans Face Higher Costs Under EPA’s Electric Truck Mandate


By Diana Furchtgott-Roth

A new EPA rule mandating electric trucks replace diesel ones would raise the prices of everything Americans buy.


Why Do Only a Third of Americans Now Support Israel’s Right to Defend Itself?


By Star Parker

A Gallup poll finds that only 36% of Americans approve of Israeli military action in Gaza—down from 55% in November.


EXCLUSIVE: Movie Would Share ‘Gut-Wrenching Story’ of Man Who Tried to Become a Trans Woman


By Mary Margaret Olohan

Walt Heyer underwent attempted “gender reassignment” surgery as a young man, identified as a woman for eight years, and ultimately detransitioned.

