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Less work, more play

4-4-2024 < Attack the System 25 244 words
Cohen’s endorsement comes with a catch.

As the newest four-day workweek fan club member, Cohen must be interested in implementing it at his hedge fund, Point72.

Right? Right?!

“If they’re taking off Friday and they have a portfolio, that’s a problem, OK, if the markets are open,” Cohen said when asked about his firm’s plans.

And therein lies the rub. Companies and executives are supportive of skipping Fridays — to a point.

Plenty of smaller companies have run pilot programs. A massive study conducted in 2022 across multiple countries found the 32-hour week increased revenue and improved employee health and well-being. Basis Technologies, an advertising software company, implemented a 4.5-day workweek this year.

But full-scale adoption of a shortened workweek by a large corporation remains a pipedream. A rundown of companies offering four-day workweeks by has some big names, but most are either small pilots or come with serious caveats.

I get it. No one wants to be the first to do something so controversial only to have it backfire or be used against them. But the result is people agreeing the workweek could use a refresher, but no one is willing to do the work to get there.

Workers do have one piece of leverage. Return-to-office mandates have strained the employee-employer relationship. Maybe the four-day workweek represents the olive branch companies can extend to get people back to their desks.
