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So Easily Distracted

8-4-2024 < Attack the System 28 253 words

It’s an eclipse. One happened in 2017. Remember the famous photo of “Chad” Trump looking directly at it with no eye protection? What is the obsession? Why are schools being closed? If this would be good for one group, I believe it would be children. Why not gather them at school to witness it (I’m sure some areas are doing this, and I applaud them)?

I’m old enough to remember when Haley’s Comet came through in 1986. What was my response to that? I don’t remember, but it wasn’t to stop my life to witness it. Thankfully, my parents didn’t possess the means to fly wherever it was that was advertised as the best place to look at it. I would not have fond memories of something that frivolous.

I really am the meme of “old man yells at cloud.”

I was reminded while driving yesterday of the lyric from Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain.” Then you flew your lear jet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun.” I guess that’s what I think of when I see all of the hands up in that picture above.

I guess I’ve reached the point where I’m fascinated enough by the nature surrounding me that the idea of traveling to see an eclipse is just odd. If you’re one of these people—and I know a few that are—have fun! I’m not trying to take away the joy you’re going to receive from this; I just don’t get it.
