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South Africa as a Template for a Slow-Motion Collapse

25-4-2024 < Attack the System 15 486 words
American Decline

Is South Africa America’s Future?

Source: @powerfultakes on X

After a long silence about South Africa’s problems since the fall of Apartheid, mainstream Western publications have been recently reporting on the breakdown of South Africa. For instance, Bloomberg News proclaimed South Africa was on the verge of chaos last year and the BBC quoted an ANC politician who said that South Africa could become a failed state. South Africa is one of many nations at risk of collapse, as the Global South is facing a crisis caused by debt and breakdowns in supply chains, and South Africa is one of 17 nations at risk of state fragility in 2024.

Source: @elonmusk on X

American right-wingers hyperbolically use the term White genocide, to describe South Africa, as well as the situation in America. However, the mainstream human rights organization, Genocide Watch, places South Africa in the 6th Stage of Genocide, which is polarization. This is due to attacks on White farmers but also xenophobic attacks on African immigrants, with the perpetrators being South African police and the leftist Black Nationalist, Economic Freedom Fighters. Farm attacks have surged after the EFF’s Julius Malema chanted “Kill the Boer.” The next stage for genocide is preparation.

However, a systematic genocide, like the Rwandan Genocide, is not likely in South Africa, and I have noticed this narrative more from the online American right than from South Africans. This is because, unlike Rwanda with a clear Hutu majority, South Africa’s Black population is divided up into many ethnic groups which do not trust nor care much for each other. South Africa’s geography and population are so dispersed, with Whites concentrating in the Cape region. The Cape’s dominant mixed-race Coloured population, would likely ally with Whites if there was an ethnic sectarian conflict. However, Whites in urbanized parts of Gauteng (Johannesburg and Pretoria), as well as Durban would be vulnerable in a collapse scenario.

