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26-4-2024 < Attack the System 47 167 words

The past month of Ramadan can be considered one of the most proud periods of Palestinian anarchism’s struggle against the apartheid of the Zionist regime. Undoubtedly, the efforts of a large number of young people in the West Bank who left their homes and families to fight day and night and defend the cause of Palestine will not be forgotten forever. Those days full of inflammatory attacks and danger were difficult but sweet for us. Hard because of the lack of facilities and fighting against a cruel and fully armed enemy with advanced military equipment, and sweet because of the combination of fasting and jihad in the way of God. The consistent organizing that the FAUDA movement was able to do throughout the West Bank was rooted in our values of fighting from the idea of revolutionary anarchism and field action. People saw that anarchism can stand up, fight, strike, and martyr along with the resistance to fight against apartheid, and push the enemy back.
