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It Still Matters That The George Floyd Prosecutions Were Corrupted By Racial Politics

29-4-2024 < SGT Report 24 498 words

by John Dale Dunn, M.D., American Thinker:

We are watching the BLM crowd (this time acting under the Hamas banner) gear up again for violence before an election. It’s important to understand that this is all staged. One way to understand how Democrat politics operate is to look back at the political corruption surrounding George Floyd’s death.

On July 29, 2021, Peter Cahill, the presiding Minnesota State Court judge trying the four police officers indicted for George Floyd’s death, ordered the release of the prosecutors’ report detailing how Dr. Roger Mitchell, the then-medical examiner and Deputy Mayor for D.C., coerced the Hennepin County medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker.


The memo detailed Mitchell’s threat to damage Baker’s professional career with a critical op-ed in the Washington Post if Baker did not amend the language of his preliminary autopsy report by adding compression of the neck as a cause of death, something Baker had not believed was the case. Doing so would make the death a homicide. Baker’s ultimate report, which he’d changed in response to Mitchell’s political pressure, converted a death from natural causes into a justification for indicting four police officers for murder.

Floyd was pronounced dead on the evening of March 25, 2020. One day later, Baker conducted a careful autopsy that found no physical evidence that the officers applied excessive force. Instead, Baker suggested that Floyd’s death was from natural causes, not excess force, strangulation, or asphyxiation. Floyd had “severe” heart disease that put him at risk for a cardiac arrest under stress and exertion, something medical examiners see frequently.

Image: Andrew Baker testifying at Derek Chauvin’s trial. YouTube screen grab.

The matter should have been over then. Three days after they received Baker’s initial report, Hennepin County prosecutors issued a complaint against Chauvin reflecting Baker’s findings: “The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

However, Floyd’s natural cause of death had no value for Mitchell, who had a political agenda. To understand this agenda, it’s important to note that the D.C. medical examiner assisted prosecutors in the Aurora, Colorado, case of Elijah McClain and the Tucson, Arizona, case of Carlos Ingram-Lopez. Mitchell was unsuccessful as a prosecution witness against three officers in the 2023 Manuel Ellis trial in Tacoma. In every case, Mitchell was there when the political environment was shaped by a racialist anti-cop mob and media.

Mitchell works under the premise that if a person dies resisting arrest, the police are guilty. In a 2022 Meet The Press interview, Mitchell explained his motives for assisting prosecutions against law enforcement when prisoners or arrestees die. According to him, medical excuses are used to cover up the hundreds of murders that American law enforcement commits against arrestees and prisoners. His mission is to expose those miscarriages of justice.

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