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The Relief of Exile

2-5-2024 < Attack the System 25 317 words

napoleon sainthelene

Last October, walking through London’s Hampstead Heath, Jasun Horsley and I discussed the strange sense of relief that one can feel after being ousted, exiled, or in modern terms, cancelled. My own personal experiences of this began during 2020, when so many social circles went through their own little ‘Great Reset’, and people lost old allies and found new ones.

In my case, the cords that were cut over my ‘transphobia’ or ‘covid conspiracy theories’ were already threadbare. But cords they were, and unlike those which hold valuable relationships in secure contact, they were – to be perfectly frank – stifling. I don’t say this with any ill-feeling towards those who were once my friends, because their intolerance of dissent has ultimately been the cause of my liberation.

As Dion Fortune teaches, opposition is a thrust-block. Don’t resist; respond. Negative emotions aren’t actually bad; you just need to make use of them to propel yourself toward that which you love, and to give strength to that which you wish to support.
