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The Lighthouse: FDA Is Not a Referee | Seattle Regretting Minimum Wage for Delivery App Drivers | TSA Failure

8-5-2024 < Attack the System 22 265 words

The FDA Is Not a Referee

Raymond J. March (The Beacon)

The FDA’s inability to handle applesauce exposes it not as a referee but as a player struggling to navigate its own rulebook. READ MORE »

Seattle Regretting Minimum Wage for Delivery App Drivers

Adam Summers (Catalyst)

In January, Seattle became one of just two cities in the nation to impose a minimum wage for delivery app drivers. Now, it is experiencing buyer remorse, as the consequences of Seattle’s minimum wage for delivery drivers reveal the harsh reality of economic principles lost on city council members. READ MORE »

TSA Failure

Randall G. Holcombe (The Beacon)

The viral story of the Americans caught carrying ammunition aboard their flights in the Turks and Caicos glossed over the fact that the men had successfully passed through TSA checkpoints. Despite its hefty budget and intrusive procedures, TSA clearly has an inability to detect prohibited items, exposing fundamental flaws in its approach to airport security. READ MORE »

Class War in California

Jonathan J. Bean (Orange County Register)

UC San Diego’s new directive of a “class-based” admissions scheme for selective majors trades away merit in the name of equity. Racial discrimination is odious because we can’t change our skin color. Likewise, we cannot change our parents. READ MORE »
