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Elderly cats are being saved from being euthanized with adorable cat retirement village

14-5-2024 < Attack the System 21 988 words

It’s a cat paradise.
There is an amazing retirement village now accepting guests but instead of catering to elderly people, it’s designed for elderly cats. Shropshire Cat Rescue has been rescuing elderly cats that are set to be euthanized and providing them with top notch elder care.
The owner of the rescue was tired of seeing older cats get passed over for adoption and subsequently put to sleep simply because they were old so she decided to do something about it. That’s where the idea for Shropshire Cat Rescue came from and they’ve got cats wandering the retirement village who are over 20 years old. One cat, lovingly named Cat, loves to hang out in the little “store” in the tiny cat town, while others lounge in cat condos.

Which one is your favorite?
It’s that time of the year again when Upworthy shares our favorite snaps from the Comedy Pet Photography Awards. We’ve handpicked 15 of the top 30 nominees in this year’s competition to share, which include a headless horse, an angry Yorkie and a hungry tortoise.
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards were started by Paul Joynson Hicks and Tom Sullam, who are both professional photographers. They created this fun competition to highlight pets’ vital role in our lives and to promote animal welfare.
While the contest is all about funny photos, it carries a meaningful message. “Through the Comedy Pets, we want to promote positive awareness of animal welfare issues and celebrate the incredible and valuable contribution that pets can and do have on our lives,” the founders say on the competition’s website.
Go to the Comedy Pet Photographic Awards’ website to see all 30 of the competition’s photos and vote on the People’s Choice Category through June 2, 2024.
Here are Upworthy’s 15 favorite photos from the competition.

Some things you never forget.
Ready to get transported back to the Decade of Decadence? Cause this wholesome new TikTok trend is gonna put you right back in the attitude-filled, neon colored post-disco era otherwise known as the 80s.
Specifically, it’s going to take you back to an 80s dance club.
In the trend, kids ask their parents to “dance like it’s the 80s,” as the 1984 track “Smalltown Boy” by the British pop band Bronski Beat plays in the background. The song’s high energy tempo mixed with heartbreaking, anguish-ridden lyrics make it a fitting choice to bring us back to the time period.
As for the parents—let’s just say that muscle memory kicks in the minute the tune begins to play, and it’s a whole vibe.

It’s unbelievably good!
Improving anything isn’t always easy and can sometimes be hilarious, which is why improv shows are so popular. Usually when someone is improvising dance moves, there’s not a partner involved and if there is, they’re generally not trained in dance. Limbs are jerking or smoothly flowing to the beat while feet and hips do their best to make coordinated motions.
But Rose City Swing dance studio, which specializes in West Coast Swing, has gone viral several times for their improvised dances. What they do is take two random dancers and pair them up, while the dancers are on the floor music starts playing. The dancers have no idea what song will be played and must come up with dance moves on the spot that coordinate with their partner.
