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The Lighthouse: Getting Monetary Policy on Track | Arizona Shouldn’t Look to California for Housing Help | A Missed Off-Ramp for U.S. Venezuela Policy

14-5-2024 < Attack the System 34 329 words

Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track

Judy L. Shelton (AIER)

Now comes Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track, a new collection, from the Hoover Institution, of interesting monetary thoughts. But, what about plain and simple sound money? That’s really what is needed—and about all that is needed. READ MORE »

Arizona Should Not Look to California for Housing Solutions

Christopher J. Calton (Arizona Daily Star)

If Arizona truly wants to solve its housing crisis, the state should require cities to liberalize their zoning and building regulations and provide a simple, transparent, and expeditious system of permitting—for everybody, not just, for instance, churches. Houston, TX, is a model. READ MORE »

A Missed Off-Ramp for U.S. Venezuela Policy

Ivan Eland (American Conservative)

American sanctions against Venezuela keep backfiring, so why on earth do we keep using them? READ MORE »

Why Are Cities Being Planned Around Fire Trucks?

Scott Beyer (Catalyst)

Emergency vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances in the U.S. are huge and have trouble navigating narrower streets or passing other vehicles. However, the answer isn’t to make streets wider but to right-size the vehicles themselves—and that’s more feasible than you might assume. READ MORE »

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Proposed California Law to Protect Neurorights?

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California High-Speed Rail Celebrates Completing Bridge to Nowhere

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Colorado’s “Assault Weapons” Ban Fails Again

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Many Say It Feels Like We’re in a Recession, but Do They Really Believe It?

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The (Other) Cost of Inflation

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