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Federal Judge Rejects Biden Regime’s Attempt To Dismiss Censorship Lawsuit, Orders Expedited Discovery, And Newly Released Internal Emails Expose Extreme Level Of Coercion By Biden Flunkies Against Social Media Companies

16-5-2024 < SGT Report 31 440 words

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

As many Independent Media readers already know, there are companies that the Biden regime is using to censor conservative media, under the guise of “misinformation” and “disinformation.” One of which, NewsGuard was started during the Trump presidency by Steven Brill, “a long time Democrat activist and donor who has backed candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.” In 2021, the Pentagon, under the leadership of the Biden regime, awarded NewsGuard $750,000.


Quick refresher: Previously we have shown how an advertising group, GumGum, which places ads within images, informed ANP that “GumGum utilizes NewsGuard to verify brand safety and your site is under the minimum threshold we accept. .”

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana granted the injunction in response to a 2022 lawsuit brought by attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri. Their lawsuit alleged that the federal government overstepped in its efforts to convince social media companies to address postings that could result in vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or affect elections.


Doughty cited “substantial evidence” of a far-reaching censorship campaign. He wrote that the “evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’ ”

More than a week later, an appeals court paused the ruling.

So we have two separate methods the Biden regime is using to stop the free flow of information on a number of topics, whether it is vaccine injury and death news, the Wuhan lab leak information, or the calling out the climate change hoaxes and 50 years of failed doomsday predictions. One by pressuring social media to remove content the regime doesn’t want out there, and the other by funding groups that are blacklisting conservatives websites, trying to bankrupt them.

We now have news on both fronts.

A lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, The Daily Wire, and The Federalist, against the Biden regime, for using taxpayer funds meant to counter foreign propaganda to censor American independent news websites, is being allowed to go forward after the Biden regime failed to convince the judge to dismiss the case, with the judge also rejecting the Biden regime’s attempt to have the moved to another venue.

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