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Who Benefits From Destabilization of America?

20-5-2024 < Attack the System 21 308 words

Who Benefits From Destabilization of America?


By Mike Gonzalez

Today the cause is Gaza, but our revolutionaries are nothing if not opportunists. Now they disrupt graduations, but once campuses close, they will head elsewhere and take up other causes.


Federal Judge Blocks Biden Rule Expanding Gun Background Checks


By Harold Hutchison

“The Biden Administration cannot unilaterally overturn Americans’ constitutional rights and nullify the Second Amendment,” says Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.


At WNBA Ceremony, Biden Urges America to Support the Women’s Sports He’s Destroying


By Suzanne Bowdey

The timing of the photo op couldn’t have been more politically inconvenient for the president.


Biden Invokes Privilege, a Taxpayer-Funded ‘Catch and Kill’ Operation, to Block Release of Special Counsel Interview


By Fred Lucas

President Biden’s invoking of executive privilege to shield the audio of his interview with a special prosecutor about his retention of classified documents is a taxpayer-backed “catch and kill” operation.


ICYMI: The Truth About the 1968 Democrat Convention


By Jarrett Stepman

The common narrative about the 1968 convention was that it was a “mostly peaceful” protest of the Vietnam War, broken up by brutish and out-of-control police. That’s not exactly accurate.

