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Marco Rubio Triggers NBC By Throwing Hillary Clinton’s Election Denial in Kristin Welker’s Face

21-5-2024 < SGT Report 25 209 words

from The National Pulse:

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a potential vice-presidential pick for former President Trump, refrained from pledging complete acceptance of the 2024 presidential election results during a Sunday interview on NBC News’s “Meet the Press.” Rubio’s comments were a nod to the need to ensure fair elections, and he stated that an unfair election would likely be contested by both sides.

Rubio’s reminded NBC’s Kristin Welker that Hillary Clinton declined to acknowledge her defeat in the 2016 Presidential election, repeatedly calling Trump an “illegitimate” president, and fuelling the Russia hoax which arguably hobbled the first Trump administration. Rubio also highlighted that Democrats argued against the certification of George W. Bush’s 2004 victory in Ohio.


Rubio also raised the issue of “illegal drop-box locations” and ballot harvesting.
