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White males: Beware of Bari Weiss

21-5-2024 < Attack the System 40 635 words

White males need to watch out for Zionist propagandists like Bari Weiss

Ever since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, we’ve been awash in propaganda of one kind or another. Both sides in that war have flooded social media with horrific images of dead bodies and stories of brutality, rape, and other atrocities. Sometimes such images appear on social media with no warning and can take the viewer by surprise.

Yet, there is another kind of propaganda that has also become rife in the West, and it is aimed squarely at White males. Barry Weiss, the editor of the Free Press, is one of the chief propagandists in this genre. She has made it her mission to push the Islamic Bogeyman narrative and to convince White males that the fate of Israel is the same as the fate of America.

Why would she do this? She is a Zionist Jew, so her real motive is the protection and well-being of Israel, not America. Toward that end, she will say anything she thinks can win people over to the cause of Israel. Zionists like her would like nothing better than to drag America into a war in the Middle East for the sake of Israel, and they do not care how many White American men would die in such a conflict.

One look at her article called “The Holiday from History Is Over,” and you can see where she is coming from in her attempts to manipulate White males to take the side of Israel. She uses Cincinnatus as bait for White males to identify with Israel. She even throws in a shot at the Roman Empire to induce guilt in White males for the Roman destruction of a Jewish temple.

I’ve pulled quotes from her article and highlighted the propaganda points aimed at White males in bold.

“Cincinnatus was a farmer. All he wanted was to be at his plow,” Oren told me as the winter rain poured down. “But every time he went back to his farm the Roman Republic came to him and said, ‘We need you to come back. We need you to lead an army.’ ”

The Cincinnatus myth was the foundational myth for the American Revolution, specifically for Washington himself,” Oren said. “It is also the most foundational Israeli myth. It is David Ben-Gurion. It is Moshe Dayan. It is Ariel Sharon. These people just wanted to farm. But they were called to pick up arms and defend their country. Israel is the Cincinnatus nation.”

Many have never heard the name Cincinnatus in Israel, where the Romans are remembered more as the empire that destroyed the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70, slaughtered and sold its inhabitants, and renamed the land Syria Palestina. But the Jewish people—who long outlived that empire and reconstituted the Jewish national home in the land the Romans had once conquered—are also democratic heirs to Cincinnatus.

See? Israelis are just like George Washington! So that means that Israel and America are one and the same! Israel is a part of the West, and America should defend it because that’s what George Washington would do!
