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MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH! The Uniparty’s Treasonous Conspiracy Finally Goes Mainstream

25-5-2024 < SGT Report 37 280 words

from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: While the following MSM article attempts to debunk the proven fact that there are now ‘illegal alien secret armies” being stealthily built across the USA, it actually brings much needed attention to this extremely dangerous treasonous plot.

If there is one NWO conspiratorial plot that is — BY FAR — more perilous to the future of the American Republic than any other of their many nefarious schemes, it’s this one:


Therefore, the Patriot Movement had better mobilize its troops and galvanize all efforts to defend the nation from these armies which have been cunningly hidden across America.

As for when the traitorous perps plan on launching their long planned bolshevik revolution American-style, this exposé reveals the key milestones.
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